In today’s world, many education establishments have had to start to run themselves like a business. And like all businesses, marketing and advertising will play an important part of how they operate.

There are many reasons for advertising for schools and universities. The main reason will be for student enrolment, but there are other reasons too. It could be to promote an achievement such as an improved OFSTED report, for Open Day events or it could be for staff recruitment.

Student enrolment campaigns will be run at specific times of the year, whilst others will be run on an ad hoc basis. Whatever the reason, it needs to be right for that establishment at that point in time.

I have worked with Educational establishments over the years and understand the dilemma they face operating as a business. The need to increase student enrolment in a competitive market place, whilst still running at a profit.

I can offer experience and product knowledge and ensure whatever spend they make, will be effective and offer value for money.

Industry Specific Problems:

The Education sector is a very competitive one, particularly for 16 -18 year olds . More and more schools now targeting this group to stay on and do A Levels with them rather than go to a College. Colleges are trying to counter-act this as they also offer A Levels, but are also trying to attract people who want more practical and vocational qualifications.

They also want to attract local students who would otherwise go out of the area to a University. Universities are trying to attract students to not only get a higher qualification but also to give them a new life experience. It is an extremely competitive market place so an individual establishments message needs to stand out from the crowd. This is why advertising for schools and universities is crucial 

Each time I will discuss the sound and vision concept with the client and work out the most effective and cost-effective way to promote their message.


'Sound and Vision'

cg advertising

All Education campaigns should all be put out on that organisations digital and social media platforms. If they aren’t, I will recommend this as it is important they maximise the free opportunities open to them.

This will then make any paid for campaigns more effective.

For all campaigns, the key is to maximise the number of people who are aware of the message. In education advertising, this doesn’t necessarily just have to be the actual student themselves. For many students, a parent or close friend will be hugely important in giving them advice and options so they can make the right decision.

Using a mix of commercial radio with outdoor and bus advertising will put the campaign squarely in the ears and eyes of the parents and influencers to students on a daily basis. The importance here, is they will see and hear the message as they go about their daily routines. This consistency will then encourage them and potential students to find out more information either on-line or via social media.

This then gets that part of the marketing mix to work.

How will the sound and vision concept work effectively?

Commercial Radio

Many Education campaigns are promoting Open Events or Enrolment and as such tend to be short term. For this, airtime offers the most flexible option.

We will help create a message or series of messages and play them out at specific times in the year to give the most effective coverage.

Outdoor and bus advertising

We look at the time of year the campaign is required and book a bus and billboard campaign accordingly. Sometimes availability will dictate what we propose, but both options will give maximum visibility in the required area. The best way to maximise availability on both bus and billboards is to plan your campaigns as far in advance as possible.

As both the radio and bus and billboards are something many people will listen to and see on a daily basis, and the advertiser is a known entity, then the campaign becomes something that will be remembered.

This is how sound and vision advertising for schools and universities works!



Highly visual and mobile 

A highly visual and mobile advert that works fantastically well in conjunction with other media, particularly radio. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business as you book a campaign of multiple buses in 4 week blocks. This brings the price in line with local newspapers and on many occasions is better than local radio.

West Nottinghamshire College - D48 on Ratcliffe Gate Mansfield outbound (January 2023) - 2


‘95 of the top 100 advertisers in the UK use outdoor advertising

This highly creative and visual medium is one of the fastest growing forms of advertising in the Country with popularity high among National, regional and local advertisers. In fact 95 of the top 100 advertisers in the UK use outdoor advertising as part of their mix.

Radio Advertising


Creative, relevant and memorable

Audio plays a vital, if somewhat unsung, role in people’s lives. Whether you like music or speech, there is an audio option for just about everyone. For many people, their choice of radio station is with them throughout the day. For others podcasts are their choice of entertainment.

Whatever your choice of audio, if it takes advertising, we can put your company in their ears.

Case Study

Vision West Nottinghamshire College

Two billboards were each booked to run for a 4 week period. The first, promoting Higher Education at the College, started the last week in July. The other started 2 weeks later promoting Further Education.

The Higher Education message was part of Clearing and was timed to run around the A Level results being released.

The creative message used was extremely simple but highly visual. It showed a happy student in graduation gown and mortar with the message ‘Need a University place?……look no further…’

Billboards at Stockwell Gate Mansfield

"With Chris’s wealth of knowledge he was able to secure a number of advertising opportunities for my company that included radio and billboard advertising.

As a result of the advertising we have seen a significant increase of traffic onto our website and more importantly we seen a much higher level of new customers since the advertising started, so clearly it is working!"